An allergy to egg is one of the most prevalent allergens in the United States – almost two percent of children experience it. It’s most prevalent in children, and while many outgrow it, a significant number of people live with it their whole lives.

Egg allergy symptoms include:

  • Skin reactions
  • Aggravated asthma
  • Stomach upset
  • Nasal congestion, runny nose, cough

Those with severe allergies have a risk of experiencing anaphylaxis after exposure and should always carry an epinephrine injector with them.

While egg allergy usually refers to an allergy to eggs laid by a chicken, many also have reactions to eggs from ducks, quail, and geese, so may be advised to avoid them all.

Because an allergy to eggs is so common, it’s considered one of the top nine food allergens by the FDA, and therefore it must be labeled on food labels. While it’s easy to find this on the labels of processed foods, homemade items can be tricky.

Some homemade goods that commonly contain egg are:

  • Fried rice
  • Caesar dressing
  • Mayonnaise
  • Meatballs
  • Wontons, and more

Avoidance is key to preventing reactions, but it’s not fool-proof. AAOL recommends safe-guarding with allergy drop treatment following The La Crosse Method™ Protocol. After exam, history, and allergy testing, your provider will determine your specific level of sensitivity to egg.

Testing may also include specialized component testing that can identify specific proteins that indicate the allergy could be life-threatening, or if you can consume egg-containing products that have been baked, for example.

Your provider will then put the puzzle pieces together and create a treatment plan including lifestyle modifications and allergy drops. Allergy drops contain a safe, personalized, liquid dose of egg allergen – and other identified food allergens – and are taken under the tongue daily. Over time, the dose is slowly increased until the body learns to not react when exposed to egg.

The end result will look different from person-to-person, depending on the severity of allergy. Some may have a layer of safety to reduce life-threatening reactions, while others may be able to re-introduce eggs into their diet.

Contact AAOL to get started with testing and a consult to determine how allergy drops may benefit your food allergies.

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Success Stories

Completing food allergy treatment and finishing food challenges has been life changing for Colton and his family. After 7-month-old Colton’s first ambulance ride when he ingested a small amount of milk-based formula, his family was told his milk allergy was so high that he would likely have a life-long milk allergy. As months went by,…
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