Allergy Associates of La Crosse is not a “salon” clinic for the affluent. Since 1970, the waiting rooms have hosted allergy suffers from 50 states, nearly every continent and all walks of life. A western Congressman heard about the “drop doc” while he grilled burgers and eves-dropped on his neighbor on the other side of the fence. Word-of-mouth brought a former Miss America, a priest, and what sometimes seems like half the population of Clinton, Iowa. Word-of-mouth brought an unemployed father of seven from Minnesota’s Iron Range and many Sisters of Perpetual Adoration. Hear testimonials from some of our patients about how allergy drop treatment has helped them live a fuller life.

Jody and her daughters

Conquering Environmental Allergies and Asthma

After five years of treatment, Jody’s allergy testing showed that she no longer needs allergy drops – her body has learned to tolerate the allergens that made her sick. Her seasonal allergies no longer bother her, and those random skin outbreaks are a thing of the past.

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Colton’s “Food Allergy-Free” Journey

Completing food allergy treatment and finishing food challenges has been life changing for Colton and his family. After 7-month-old Colton’s first ambulance ride when he ingested a small amount of milk-based formula, his family was told his milk allergy was so high that he would likely have a life-long milk allergy. As months went by,…

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Treating Hay Fever with Allergy Drops

“I had trouble with hay fever and seasonal allergies in the spring and summer for what I found out was typically grass and ragweed. So June and August were the worst times for me and over-the-counter medicines just weren’t doing it and mask it a little bit and then my eyes would swell up. “Now…

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Addressing Asthma with Allergy Drops

“My name is Kaycee and I started coming here when I was 13. “My whole life I had horrible asthma and allergies and it was controlling me more than I was controlling it. I had had several really bad asthma attacks. When I was a kid, I thought everybody had watery eyes and runny nose…

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Being a Kid After Allergy Drop Treatment

“I’ve been coming here for a long time, since I was really little, because I couldn’t eat peanuts, and if I touched certain foods, my skin would break out. I was allergic to cats and dogs. “I had to avoid lots of different places because they might have stuff that I might be allergic to.…

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Saying Yes to College Even With Severe Food Allergies

“See, before I came here I had allergies to milk, eggs, soy, fish, tree nuts, peanuts eggs, wheat, beef, pork, citrus, food dyes, food preservatives. So far I’ve done I’ve done and passed eggs, baked milk, liquid milk, and cashews and then I’m working on almonds right now and then shrimp are later today. When…

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Managing Seasonal Allergies with Allergy Drops

“What brought me here was a lifetime of discomfort; somewhat in the spring. But in the late summer and fall I would lose, for practical purposes, 10-13 weeks of my life because I was so compromised. “Now, not so much. Really, not at all. I’ve gotten to the point where I’m at maintenance level with…

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Treating Environmental Allergies Changed Her Hobbies

“I pretty much lived with allergies year round. Not only was it the pollen, trees, grass, everything like that outside, but additionally it was like pet dander, dust mites, things like that in the house. So, it was kind of a year round thing for me. “Since I started the allergy drops, it’s been for…

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Finding a Fix to Pesky Mold Allergy

“So, I found out that I have an allergy to alternaria mold. That’s my strongest allergy. Symptoms began in 2009. Extreme nausea and vomiting that would send me to the ER or the hospital and in 2010 I was in the ICU. I saw many doctors all of which didn’t know what was wrong with…

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Developing Asthma as an Adult

“I had developed asthma as an adult and I was taking antibiotics all winter long and not really getting over it until the spring. After the first year of taking the antigen drops, my upper respiratory infections that I had been experiencing through the winter months, I didn’t have at all. “I think in the…

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