Related Allergic Conditions are Positively Impacted

Many chronic conditions have an underlying allergic component including asthmaeczemamigraines, and frequent sinus, ear and respiratory infections.

Treating underlying allergies can reduce or eliminate flare ups of related allergic conditions according to research, especially for those with allergic asthma.

Less Medication Use and Overall Costs

With fewer symptoms and related conditions, patients generally need less medications to help allergic irritation. Our patient surveys  show up to 50% less medication use after completing treatment. This can save on out-of-pocket costs, and reduces medication side effects. Hear what one patient has to say about this benefit.

Long-Lasting Results

The goal of allergy drop treatment is to retrain the immune system to stop reacting to allergens long term. Treatment typically lasts three to five years, depending on severity, following treatment instructions, and whether food allergies are involved — which can have different goals and timelines including freedom from reactions in case of accidental exposures. For many, it’s a short-term commitment to a lifetime of benefits, especially infants and children.

Improved Quality of Life

AAOL patient surveys show that after completing successful treatment, patients miss less time away from work and school due to allergy-related issues. They have fewer allergy-related doctors’ appointments, ER visits, and hospitalizations. Most importantly, they report having an improved quality of life after getting their allergies and related conditions under control.

Who can benefit from treatment?

Many people with chronic allergies find sublingual, or allergy drop immunotherapy a better choice than just temporary medication relief.

Immunotherapy is the only therapy that retrains the immune system to stop or reduce reactions long term – whether it’s drops or shots.

Not all allergy sufferers are candidates for allergy shots. Allergy drops can help additional sufferers that include:

  • Infants and children. Allergy drops can help children with eczema and recurrent ear infections triggered by allergies. Research shows that many children with untreated eczema and allergies develop asthma and related chronic conditions later in life, so early treatment can have lifelong benefits and may prevent additional allergies from developing.
  • Allergy drops can build tolerance for allergic/asthma triggers and reduce or eliminate the need for asthma medication. Because of its safety, even severe asthmatics can tolerate treatment, and research shows allergy drops can help prevent asthma from developing.
  • Highly sensitive people, including those who fear needles or can’t tolerate shots.
  • Those with chronic conditions including sinusitis.
  • People with food and mold allergies.
  • People with multiple allergies including dustpollenanimals

Add to that, the convenience, safety, and affordability of personalized allergy drops, and you can see why more patients are interested in taking charge of their allergies with allergy drops.

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Success Stories

As reported by WXOW 9/1/17 Over the past decade, severe food allergy cases have increased nearly 400% in the US, with over 15 million people suffering from a severe allergy to one or more foods. Years ago, avoidance was the only form of treatment, but now a different treatment is making a huge difference in one little boys life. For…
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