After you’ve completed your allergy tests, you will meet with the physician to develop your custom allergy treatment plan that is matched to your “allergic fingerprint.” Like most allergy practices, we recommend environmental control measures, dietary and lifestyle changes if necessary, and may prescribe symptom-relieving medications. Your need for these medications will typically decrease over the course of sublingual immunotherapy treatment.

We may prescribed one or more allergy drop (sublingual immunotherapy) treatment options depending upon your history, symptoms and the number and severity of sensitivities. These can include:

  • Multi-allergen inhalant threshold dosing (red bottle)

    Red bottle drops treat multiple moderate to severe allergies to pollens, mites and molds or a history of anaphylaxis. The treatment level is personalized based on skin test or blood test results. Patients take a dose three times daily using a metered dispenser. One bottle is a 90-day supply.

  • Preseasonal inhalant dosing (yellow bottle)

    This method is an add-on treatment for strong seasonal symptoms to treesgrassesragweed, or dust mite taken prior to the heating season. You’ll begin a high dose of allergen eight weeks before the allergen season starts, which acts as a “booster” to reduce your symptoms when the actual season starts.

  • Multi-or single-allergen food threshold dosing (blue bottle)

    Blue bottle drops treat food allergies, and are usually prescribed with inhalant allergy drops. Food allergy drop strength is based on the individual patient’s blood test results, and is gradually increased as the patient’s test results and symptoms improve. Patients take a dose three times daily using a metered dispenser. One bottle is a 90-day supply.

Why multi-antigen drops?

We rarely see patients with just one allergy. Treating multiple allergens at the same time can help reduce to your total allergen load and bring symptoms under control more quickly.

Most of our food-allergic patients also have environmental allergies, so treating the environmental allergens first may reduce the total load and reduce the severity of reactions for some patients.

Your drops are a personalized mix of FDA-approved allergens that tests show are problematic, mixed in a glycerin base for stability. We do not include allergens that you have not tested positively to, nor do we add other medications or preservatives. Most patients find the drops have a pleasant, slightly sweet flavor.

Escalating your allergy drop dose

As your tolerance to individual allergens increases, we will increase the strength of your drops until you’ve reached a maintenance dose. You will continue treatment until your provider determines through exams and testing that you can remain symptom free, which varies for each patient based on your adherence and the severity of your condition.

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Success Stories

Jody and her daughters
After five years of treatment, Jody’s allergy testing showed that she no longer needs allergy drops – her body has learned to tolerate the allergens that made her sick. Her seasonal allergies no longer bother her, and those random skin outbreaks are a thing of the past.
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