Brazil Nut Stuffed Dates

Serving size: 4 servings


  • 4 medjool dates
  • 4 Brazil nuts


  1. Make a small slit in the date to remove the pit. Place a Brazil nut inside of each date. Pinch the date back together to close. Store in the refrigerator.

Nutrition per serving: 140 calories, 31 g carbohydrates, 3 g fat, 3 g fiber, 1 g protein, 27 g sugar.

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“I had a lot of rashes and I wouldn’t be able to keep anything down when I ate. I would scratch myself until I would bleed. [I was allergic to] Wheat, eggs, milk, tree nuts, peanuts, a lot of like dust, and some trees, and then dogs and cats. “Well, today I figured out that…
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