Parsley Salad

Serving size: 5 servings


  • 5 cups parsley
  • 2 tsp. dark sesame oil
  • 2 tbsp. lemon juice, fresh
  • 1 tsp. honey
  • 2 tbsp. lemon zest
  • Salt & pepper to taste
  • 4 tbsp. walnut or olive oil
  • 3 tbsp. toasted sesame seeds


  1. Ensure parsley is washed and dried. Separate the leaves from the stems and place in a large bowl. Sprinkle the sesame seeds over the parsley leaves.
  2. In a medium bowl, whisk together the lemon juice, zest, oils, honey, and salt and pepper. Pour over the prepared parsley and sesame seeds. Toss to combine.
  3. Let salad sit to 30 minutes prior to serving so flavors have time to meld.

Nutrition per serving: 171 calories, 7 g carbohydrates, 16 g fat, 3 g fiber, 3 g protein, 36 mg sodium, 2 g sugar.

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Lolo’s allergy journey started when she was about 3 months old. She had terrible eczema. She woke up about 8-10 times per night. She had scratches all over her face — rashes on her head, face, chest, arms, legs, and torso. We had tried ALL of the eczema lotions and potions and no perfumes and no…
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