Pumpkin Seed Salsa

Serving size: 6 servings


  • 1 ¼ cups pumpkin seeds, raw
  • 2 plum tomatoes, cored
  • 1 habanero chili, stemmed
  • Salt, to taste
  • 3 Tbsp. cilantro, finely chopped
  • 3 Tbsp. chives, finely chopped


  1. n a medium skillet, toast pumpkin seeds over medium-high heat, stirring often, until lightly toasted, around 3 minutes. Transfer seeds to a food processor and pulse until smooth and set aside.
  2. On the stovetop, heat tomatoes and chili in the skillet, flipping as needed until charred, about 5-7 minutes. Transfer tomatoes and chili to the food processor with the pumpkin seeds, add cilantro, chives and salt, pulse until smooth and serve in ¼ cup servings.

Nutrition per serving: 160 calories, 4 g carbohydrates, 11 g fat, 2 g fiber, 9 g protein, 40 mg sodium, 1 g sugar.

Recipe from: saveur.com

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Jody and her daughters
After five years of treatment, Jody’s allergy testing showed that she no longer needs allergy drops – her body has learned to tolerate the allergens that made her sick. Her seasonal allergies no longer bother her, and those random skin outbreaks are a thing of the past.
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