Roasted Okra

Yields 4


  • 1 lb. okra, fresh
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • 2 Tbsp. olive oil
  • Fresh thyme leaves, optional


  1. Preheat oven to 450°F. Set aside a rimmed baking sheet.
  2. Rinse okra with water, drain, and pat until thoroughly dry. Cut off the okra stems and tips and place in a large bowl. Toss with salt and olive oil until completely coated.
  3. Scoop the okra out of the bowl with a slotted spoon to remove excess oil and put on the baking sheet. Place baking sheet in the oven and roast for 15 minutes, flipping the okra every 5 minutes.
  4. Remove from oven once lightly browned and tender. Toss with fresh thyme and pepper. Serve immediately.

Nutrition per serving: 100 calories, 9 g carbohydrates, 7 g fat, 4 g fiber, 2 g protein, 150 mg sodium, 2 g sugar.

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“I’ve been coming here for a long time, since I was really little, because I couldn’t eat peanuts, and if I touched certain foods, my skin would break out. I was allergic to cats and dogs. “I had to avoid lots of different places because they might have stuff that I might be allergic to.…
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