Emily Melby, RDN, is our Dietitian Nutritionist. Like many of our patients, Emily spent years trying to unravel the mystery of how foods that should nourish us can become an enemy, and now shares her expertise through diet and nutrition counseling.

Good health comes from the food we put into our body, yet having a food allergy or intolerance can make it complicated and even more essential to get good nutrition. The good news is that good nutrition is possible even if you have to restrict certain foods or food groups.

If you struggle with new diet challenges or are overwhelmed with changing your family’s diet, Emily can help. Having someone to guide you through the ins and outs of the food allergy world is not only helpful but essential to the health and well-being of your family.

Eliminating major foods or food groups from your diet can cause issues if you don’t replace the missing nutrients. Emily can help look at your unique diet and replace key nutrients with alternative, allergy-free foods that deliver adequate nutrition. She can support your personal or family journey with tips and tools for eating allergy free.

No two people are the same, so each nutrition consult is unique. Emily can help with:

  • Meal plans, recipes
  • Shopping tips/food allergies on a budget
  • Label reading
  • Dining out
  • Ingredient substitutes
  • Nutrition education, counseling, goal setting
  • Rotation diets
  • Personalized nutrition plan/calorie need
  • Vegetarian/vegan nutrition
  • Healthy lifestyle and general wellness
  • Individualized medical nutrition therapy to help with health concerns such as weight loss/gain, diabetes, high blood pressure or cholesterol, and general nutritional concerns.

You can consult with Emily by phone or in her office. Coordinate visits with your clinic visit or book directly with Emily. For billing and fee information, contact us.

Allergen-Free Diets

Food allergies can affect nutrient intake as well as growth in children, so ensuring adequate nutrition when removing a food or food groups is essential.

These allergen-free pages can help you navigate your food allergies and ensure you are making healthy, nutrient dense food options to support overall health.

Featured Whole Foods

Because food allergies can affect nutrient intake as well as a child’s growth, it’s important to replace nutrients when removing a food or food groups. If you’re diagnosed with a food allergy or intolerance, focus on incorporating a variety of whole foods that contain the nutrients now missing from your diet.


Superfoods are nutrient-dense foods that can help boost nutrition. No one food can gives you all the nourishment you need, but including these foods in a well-balanced diet can give your family a daily nutrition boost for long-lasting health.


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Success Stories

As reported by WXOW 9/1/17 Over the past decade, severe food allergy cases have increased nearly 400% in the US, with over 15 million people suffering from a severe allergy to one or more foods. Years ago, avoidance was the only form of treatment, but now a different treatment is making a huge difference in one little boys life. For…
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