Phone: 800.950.9740

NOTE: Same-day and overnight refills are not available unless it’s a replacement or an emergency. Time is needed for providers to review charts and fulfill reorders.

Automatic Refill Program

Through the Automatic Refill Program, we will mail your new drop order to you every 90 days. Once we have processed and mailed your drop order, we will bill you for the drops. You can receive a 5% discount on future drop orders when you leave your secured credit card information on file with our credit card processor.

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Success Stories

by mom Noreen I can never thank Allergy Associates of La Crosse and Dr. Mary Morris enough for the amazing lifestyle difference and peace you have brought my son, Nicholas, and my family. I recently came across a picture of Nicholas prior to sublingual immunotherapy treatment at Allergy Associates of La Crosse and was taken…
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