Finding a Fix to Pesky Mold Allergy
"So, I found out that I have an allergy to alternaria mold. That's my strongest allergy. Symptoms began in 2009. Extreme nausea and vomiting that would send me to the ER or the hospital and in 2010 I was in the ICU. I saw many doctors all of which didn't know what was wrong with me.
"There was a doctor at Iowa City that said 'you know what, our allergy department doesn't think it's allergies, but I think it is and you need to come see Mary Morris.'
"I'm still being treated but I've gone the longest that I've ever gone so far without having to go to the ER or being hospitalized. And I got a really good report today! I have answers, I have things that I can do to keep my symptoms under control, and my symptoms are getting better and fewer, and farther between episodes."
- Lisa
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