John’s Story with Allergy Drops

Allergy Associates of La Crosse literally changed my life.

Before discovering Allergy Associates through a friend, I had a long history of severe and multiple food, drug, and environmental allergies and asthma, which had never been successfully managed by other renowned allergy specialists. My lengthy history includes a medical discharge from the U.S. Air Force, and numerous emergency room and hospitalizations for these conditions.

Common colds would routinely confine me to bed, with hourly nebulizer treatments to keep me breathing. I would regularly miss days and weeks of work, and at one point in my life I was steroid dependent.  Although determined not to live my live as the boy-in-the-bubble, my symptoms ranged from rashes to severe gastritis to incapacitating asthma to anaphylactic shock.

I was so highly allergic to molds and foods, neither of which could be successfully treated by traditional methods, I was at times asked to participate in research studies. For nearly 10 years, my diet was restricted to only unseasoned chicken and potatoes for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

After decades of struggling with the complications of my condition, and often worse side effects of aggressive medication and treatment, sublingual therapy has offered me the opportunity to eat normally, travel and enjoy outdoor activities. Perhaps more significantly for both myself and my healthcare providers and insurers, my omnipresent nebulizer is gathering dust on the shelf, and I am no longer on a first name basis with emergency rooms physicians!

— John

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Success Stories

“So, before I came here I had chronic sinus infections. It was never colds, it was sinus infections. I would get over 8 a year; it was ridiculous amounts. “Once I started coming to Allergy Associates, because we were getting my allergies under control, I wasn’t getting so much post nasal drip. Everything was getting…
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