For some people, it’s as simple as sitting down outdoors and getting hives or welts. For others, hay fever symptoms, cough, or facial pressure occur from grass allergy.

Grass is an environmental allergy that many suffer from, either by direct contact or by breathing in its pollen.

Grass is separated into two groups, cool season grasses found in northern states, and warm season grasses found in southern states.

Cool season grasses:

  • Kentucky Blue
  • Timothy
  • Rye

Warm season grasses:

  • Bermuda
  • Bahia

While there are many different types of grass, they all have a similar make up, so people who are allergic to one are likely allergic to several.

As grass begins to grow from late spring into summer, grass allergy symptoms appear as pollen circulates in the wind. Remember to close windows, shower after being outdoors, and monitor the pollen counts before enjoying outdoor activities to reduce symptoms.

Because avoiding grass isn’t realistic, gaining tolerance to grass pollen can help reduce reactions and the need for antihistamines. Sublingual immunotherapy may be an effective form of treatment for grass allergy sufferers.

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Success Stories

Completing food allergy treatment and finishing food challenges has been life changing for Colton and his family. After 7-month-old Colton’s first ambulance ride when he ingested a small amount of milk-based formula, his family was told his milk allergy was so high that he would likely have a life-long milk allergy. As months went by,…
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