A fish allergy is also known as a finned fish allergy – a distinction that separates it from its counterpart, shellfish. Included in the fish category are:

  • Tuna
  • Salmon
  • Cod
  • Haddock
  • Perch
  • Tilapia
  • Halibut
  • And many more

Because the FDA has made fish one of the top nine food allergens, it’s required to be listed on all food labels, helping to avoid accidental exposure.

When ingested, those allergic may experience upset stomach, hives, trouble breathing, in severe cases, anaphylaxis, and a variety of other symptoms. This happens because the body interprets fish as harmful, and in turn, releases histamine into the blood stream. How the body reacts can change from exposure to exposure, so it’s always recommended to carry an epinephrine auto injector if allergic.

One option for staying safe, other than avoidance, is to treat the cause of the allergy. Allergy drops following The La Crosse Method™ Protocol train the body to not react when exposed to fish, therefore reducing and preventing reactions. Providers at AAOL start by conducting a thorough history, exam and allergy test that determines the patients' specific level of sensitivity to fish and other allergens.

Allergy drops are created custom for each patient based on these factors, and they contain precise amounts of fish antigen matched to your level of sensitivity – along with other identified food allergens. Over time, the amount of antigen in each vial is safely increased until the body learns to not react when exposed.

This treatment adds a layer of safety if accidentally exposed to fish, and some may be able to safely reintroduce fish into their diet.

One patient named Zach was able to feel confident going to college and eating at the cafeteria after completing treatment for his food allergies, including fish, at AAOL. His mom said, “It just opened up a world of more normalcy for him. It takes a lot of anxiety off where before it's like, we can't send him safely somewhere without someone who knows everything (about his allergies) with him.”


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Allergy Associates of La Crosse literally changed my life. Before discovering Allergy Associates through a friend, I had a long history of severe and multiple food, drug, and environmental allergies and asthma, which had never been successfully managed by other renowned allergy specialists. My lengthy history includes a medical discharge from the U.S. Air Force,…
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