Allergy Associates of La Crosse is not a “salon” clinic for the affluent. Since 1970, the waiting rooms have hosted allergy suffers from 50 states, nearly every continent and all walks of life. A western Congressman heard about the “drop doc” while he grilled burgers and eves-dropped on his neighbor on the other side of the fence. Word-of-mouth brought a former Miss America, a priest, and what sometimes seems like half the population of Clinton, Iowa. Word-of-mouth brought an unemployed father of seven from Minnesota’s Iron Range and many Sisters of Perpetual Adoration. Hear testimonials from some of our patients about how allergy drop treatment has helped them live a fuller life.

Taylor’s experience with hayfever and much more

I “developed” allergies the first year I went to college. Before the change in environment, I never noticed allergies or they never impacted my quality of life. Upon moving to La Crosse, I noticed for the first time that I didn’t feel well in the late summer and early fall. I wasn’t sure what it…

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John’s Story with Allergy Drops

Allergy Associates of La Crosse literally changed my life. Before discovering Allergy Associates through a friend, I had a long history of severe and multiple food, drug, and environmental allergies and asthma, which had never been successfully managed by other renowned allergy specialists. My lengthy history includes a medical discharge from the U.S. Air Force,…

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Geoff’s story with allergy drops and eczema improvement

When I was 15, I did yoga, got into health foods and meditation, and never smoked, did drugs, or drank much. I was healthy. In my 20s I showed some signs of minor skin rashes and couldn’t find anything in western or alternative therapies that helped. I became a black-belt in kungfu, and decided to…

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My Severely Food Allergic Son’s Story with Allergy Drops

as told by mom, Cindy Our oldest son, Preston was diagnosed with severe food (milk, egg, banana, peanut, tree nuts, shellfish) and environmental (outdoor molds, outdoor pollens, dust mites, dogs, cats) allergies at one year of age. After eliminating these allergens from his diet and surroundings, the levels continued to grow in number and the…

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