
3 Steps to Getting Back into Treatment

If you’ve started and stopped allergy immunotherapy, you’re not alone. Allergy Associates of La Crosse (AAOL) providers see patients who have stopped allergy shots, allergy drops, or allergy tablets for all kinds of reasons – and then put them back on a path to successful treatment.

AAOL recommends allergy drop immunotherapy for a few key reasons:

Minimal Reactions:

Following The La Crosse Method™ Protocol, allergy drops are custom to each patient – with doses high enough to help build tolerance, but not too high to cause unnecessary reactions. There has never been a life-threatening reaction reported with this protocol.

Minimal Appointments:

The treatment can be administered wherever you are, just three doses a day under your tongue, so the need for frequent appointments is minimized.

Maximum Benefits:

Allergy drops can be formulated to treat all of the offending allergens identified by your provider, even food allergies. Many patients find that allergic conditions like asthma, eczema, sinusitis, headaches, and more, are reduced when they treat the full spectrum of their allergies.

Here are three steps you can take to start feeling better with allergy drops.

1. Schedule an Appointment

The first step is the easiest – schedule an appointment! You can request an appointment online or call 608-782-2027.

2. Get Re-Tested

At your appointment, your AAOL provider will hear your history, perform an exam, and recommend re-testing. Depending on the severity and type of allergies being tested, you may complete skin testing or blood testing – or both. Even though you have had testing before, it’s important to do it again to get the most accurate picture of where you are in your tolerance and to capture any allergens that may have been missed or that have emerged.

These elements come together to determine how allergic you are to your problem allergens after the treatment you have already begun. The results help create a custom allergy drop immunotherapy that slowly and safely introduces the body to problem allergens.

3. Start Treatment

Before you leave your appointment, you’ll typically have your first vial of made-for-you allergy drops. The therapy contains tiny amounts of your problem allergens that will get your body used to being exposed. You should take three doses, three different times a day, to keep your body continuously exposed. If you can’t take three times a day, taking one in the morning and two at night helps keep you exposed.

After that vial is gone, you’ll get a refill, where each allergen concentration will be a little bit more potent. Over time, the body gets slowly and safely exposed to more and more of the allergens, until it learns that they’re not harmful, and that the body doesn’t need to react with sniffling and sneezing.

Even if you’ve fallen off the allergy treatment wagon, it doesn’t mean you can’t get back on and start feeling better, and this time get to the end goal of long-term relief. Reach out to AAOL to schedule an appointment today.

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